Love in the Cheese Aisle

I always find love in the cheese aisle
Although it has been a long while
My first time was no giddy spree
I paced myself so carefully

You caught me, my sweet Tête de Moine, in your delicate sweet and spicy curls
I lost my virginity when the swirling bold tang of a Gratte Paille triple creme unfurled
My palate awash in the pleasant cream and crunch of authentic Dutch Gouda
A host of miracles in the deep aroma of monk-derived Port-Salut livens any mood

Oh, from the depths of the sweet, earthy fabric in the best cave aged Gruyère
To the bright and sunny softness of a Leerdammer that livens the air
I want to bring my mouth up against the supple smoothness of Montbriac blue
There is no resisting the hearty sophistication of Norwegian Jarlsberg, too

Tangy notes of aged cheddars, earth notes of provolones,
The sweet nutty swiss and her sister Cotherstone
White cheese, marbles cheese, tarty, crunchy, crystalline
I hold you deep inside my heart, cheese, and I'll even eat the rind.


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